Fine tuned genes should be close to each other:
Humans are a product of a long history of evolution.  If you do not believe that, it does not matter much for the present discussion.  Let us consider the possibility that we are the product of engineering.  If you are an engineer bent on the product of making humans, you must have a plan.  You must have some idea of what you want to be the result of all your work.  In that case you must optimize your humans (and whatever other life forms you want to make).  If you do not, then once you release them, there will be some improvements that could be made in their function.  Evolution will then take over and finish optimizing them.  This will involve some random mutations, so your end result will be unpredictable and your plan a failure.  Evolution will continue to add increased complexity and function to your product until it is optimized, that is until further complexity will result in a creature so unstable genetically, having so many mutations are occurring every generation that further complexity is impossible.  Those mutations would need to be removed by removing members of your population, and without an infinite ability to make more offspring your offspring would become infertile.

There are some obvious things that must be true of an optimized life form.  It must be able to reproduce reliably, to gather and metabolize food efficiently and to respond appropriately to changes in its environment.  Less obviously, its genes must be strung onto chromosomes, because that permits it to carry a heavier mutational load.  It must have genes that are fine tuned to each other.  And it must be able to control its gene pool size somehow, because again that permits it to carry a heavier mutational load and thus greater capability.

The fine tuning system must be robust.  It cannot break down over time.  If perchance your life form does evolve into a completely different form, it must take that fine tuning mechanism with it.  Otherwise it will be lost.

One way to make a fine tuning mechanism more robust is to assure that the bulk of the mutually tuned elements lie close to each other on their chromosomes.  Otherwise they will become separated by recombination, as we have described earlier.  Of course you could arrange that there should be no recombination.  Fruit flies do not have recombination.  In that case it does not matter where on a chromosome the genes are.  But for life forms like people, the elements need to be in close proximity to each other.  So we expect that when the mechanisms are ultimately worked out we will find them close to each other, and among them the control mechanisms that regulate when genes that code for structure are put into action and taken out of action likely all in a row like the garden of contrary Mistress Mary. 

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